Thursday, December 28, 2023

Now You Want a White New Year?

While we only got a touch of freezing rain overnight, the above-freezing temps took care of that before we hit the road before noon to take Carter down to the Platteville area.

It was like we hit a line on the interstate north of Madison and the rainy snowflakes were definitely sticking despite the warm temps.

By the time we were to his girlfriend's brother's place, this was our front grill. Ice, ice, baby! But the roads were mostly OK ( I can say that as I was the passenger and Jim seemed to handle it all fine.) When we headed back and were north of Portage, it was like it hadn't rained or snowed here at all.

And our driveway and front yard confirmed that.

Looking up, I think the moon was just trying to mess with us one more time before the end of the year. Hopefully, that's it. And thankfully, we all got where we needed to go today safely!

Be careful out there! 

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