Friday, December 22, 2023

It Came Upon a Cellphone Clear

Oh my gosh, this has been the story of my life lately. Are you sure you trust me to host the family Christmas tomorrow? 

We had dinner tonight with some friends. I zoomed on the menu but didn't need to take a picture. This time. However, here's a few recent labels...

In my defense, I could read the separate label with the poundage, just didn't know how long to heat it up. Now I see I'll need to take an additional photo to zoom into the correct temperature setting!

We also needed to replace a bulb in the bathroom today. After all this work to zoom in and focus, we still weren't 100 percent sure of the wattage, but we went with 40. 

And don't get me started on the Advent calendar. It was a challenging month! I texted pictures to Carter some days. For example, for this one, I asked him if this was a stocking hat, a bag of money, or a fat cat wearing a scarf. For the record, it tasted like chocolate!

Wish me luck tomorrow! Or maybe I should say, wish my in-laws good luck tomorrow! Just kidding. My recipe cards are pretty legible. Mostly.

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