Thursday, February 1, 2024

Bridging the Gap

Well our question about whether our new stove would fit in the same spot was answered today. And the answer was "Uhm, kind of."

This afternoon, Jim texted me at work that the oven was delivered and fit the 30-inch wide space, but...

While our biggest concern was the 30-inch width for the new stove to fit, we didn't pay as much attention to the depth. The result? It was just too deep that our corner cupboard (pictured above) couldn't open. Gah!

Thankfully we have handy friends. Jim called  Todd over and while they considered "shaving off" that cupboard door, I'm so grateful Todd found a way to shift the cables behind the stove and move it back!

Now, we have micro millimeter gap but enough that the door opens and we don't need to re-order a new stove. Praise be! After all the time (and $$$) in the remodel, it would've been heartbreaking to have to re-do things to accommodate a new stove. Thanks goodness for smart friends!

And thank goodness, especially, that I can open the cupboard to my coffee K-cups tomorrow morning. Priorities, right?

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