Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to reality

I didn't realize what sloths Carter and I turned into over Christmas vacation but it was quite evident this morning. The sound of the alarm clock was such a rude awakening. Back to reality!

Carter was excited to wear his new favorite "Tough Guys Wear Pink" shirt he got for Christmas (see photo). Jim figures he'll get beat up today -- or at least have his feelings hurt. Some people just aren't open minded when it comes to gender-free color schemes.

I guess I should say I'm excited to be back at work. It's good to see my friends. And it does feel good to engage some of my brain cells again. But I wonder what's happening on Days of Our Lives. (I'm so joking. I did not watch it once while I was on break. I swear.)

My challenge today, besides the obvious, is sitting at my desk, trapped near the candy dish again. A bunch of us must have had the same idea about getting chocolate on sale the day after Christmas because it seems we have a lifetime supply (or at least a week's worth). I have to be mindful that the only way I get my POWER this year is to at least demonstrate some semblance of WILLpower.

The good news is that I am already on my fifth glass of water today and I have taken a 15-minute walk with my buddy Karen. She read my blog so she is determined we both keep our resolutions this year. I may end up using some of her willpower to supplement mine, but that's what friends are for, right?

Now, I just need someone to will me to concentrate and get back to this thing called work...

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