Monday, January 28, 2008

Show Business

Jim and I caught some of the Screen Actors Guild Awards last night -- an obvious reminder of how far removed I am from the entertainment loop. One, I haven't seen any of the top-nominated movies and two, I didn't know who half the presenters were. But consider who I am -- I don't watch much television and 2 of the last 3 movies I saw in the theater involved talking bees and singing chipmunks!

Usually Jim and I will watch the movie award shows so we know what might be good to rent in the coming year. Otherwise, we sort of go by word of mouth. Someone says, "Hey, you should see this movie," so we give it a shot.

That's why we saw all three Bourne movies this past week and weekend: Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum. I don't know that it is something I would have desired to see until our friends recommended it. They were pretty good -- and pretty intense in the sort of urgent way the TV show 24 is. (That's one of my favorite shows but has been striked out of existence this season.) We kind of liked seeing them all in a short time period so we could remember everything from the previous ones. Of course, by Saturday night, I was dreaming about it!

On our list of movies we want to see (in the theater for a change) is Bucket List. Jim and I hope to get to that next weekend. Some of the movies nominated last night looked interesting, too: No Country for Old Men and Into The Wild. However, since I am show business-challenged, I don't know if they are still in the theaters, out on DVD or somewhere any between.

Have you seen a good movie lately? Anything you'd recommend for a cold winter's night in Wisconsin?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw Kite Runners this weekend. It is VERY, VERY good. I haven't read the book, but understand they did a good job of being true to the book.

Julie H.