Friday, January 4, 2008

The naked truth

During my Christmas movie marathon, I couldn't help but see commercials on the Lifetime channel for a new show called, "How to Look Good Naked." I had no intention of watching it, but it happened anyway.

Still not sure why Jim was checking out the Lifetime listings, but at 10 minutes to 10, he calls me out into the living room and says there's a show he wants me to watch. Turns out, that was the show.

Now why would he want me to watch that? Hmm... Could have something to do with my low self-esteem or the fact I am never pleased with my body/image. I mean that might have something to do with it.

In the show, the overweight woman in focus for the episode tells of her lifelong struggle with diets and her creation of a wardrobe that strategically hides her body. (We're getting warmer...)

The host spends 5 days with her, trying to get her to turn her attitude around, accept her body as is and actually love it ... enough to pose for a naked photo shoot in the end.

The premise of the show is good. I mean it would be great if women (me included) could for once be satisfied with how we are and concentrate our energies on enjoying life. Believe me, I think it can happen. I just don't think the short span of 5 days -- even with full-time attention -- can erase a lifetime of self-loathing. It certainly is worth a try, though.

Will I watch the show again? Maybe. It offered some sound advice. I just need to act on it. In the meantime, Jim will stand by with the camera...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aint that something. Ashley and I watched part of that same show. It was the first time we had watched it too. Lene