Saturday, January 5, 2008

Target practice

If you've ever played darts, gone hunting or even golfed for that matter, you know it takes some serious concentration sometimes to hit the target. You must clear your mind. Walk through the mechanics of reaching the goal in your head. Focus, focus, focus on the target. Then throw, shoot, swing. Bulls eye! (Sometimes.)

We took Carter to the archery range down the road this morning. The club that owns it is sponsoring a youth league for the next two months so kids like Carter, who have never even touched a bow, can experiment and see if that's their thing. For 2 bucks, you can use their equipment, shoot for 2 hours (if you are up for that) and you are rewarded with a soda when you're done.

A gentleman who knew what he was doing helped Carter get set up with a bow that was appropriate for his size, gave him 5 arrows and a quick tutorial on how to hold the bow, shoot it and the proper etiquette for the shooting range.

He probably shot those 10-15 times tops. He hit the target somewhere each time but 3 maybe. After a girl from his class started shooting next to him, he even had one land in the bulls eye circle. Must have been trying to impress someone! He did have a good time so we will likely take advantage of this for the next several weeks when we can.

The archery experience got me thinking about goals and resolutions. If we didn't set them, how would we know what to aim for? We need a bulls eye. We can't go anywhere unless we know the destination, right?

I have already shared that I will garner my POWER this year with some positive alterations to my daily activities. In order to get into shape, I am making a concerted effort to exercise, drink water and eat proper portions. There is a number, too, on my scale that I would like to reach before I turn 40 this summer. I WILL make some significant progress by the first mini-goal set (in ink!) on my calendar, where it now says on March 17: Leave for Spring Break in Texas!

So I got extremely brave today and had Jim take a photo of me in my two-piece swimsuit. This will be my "before" picture. My motivator. He asked if I was going to put this on my blog and I said, "Hell no!"

... I guess it depends on how the "after" picture looks. That's my bulls eye. I am clearing my mind, focusing, taking aim and ready to fire!

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