Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Deal or no deal?

What would you be willing to do if you could eat whatever you want, never exercise and still be svelte? It seems some people are willing to sell their soul (practically) to be at the ideal weight. I heard a story on Headline News this morning that captured my attention.

A new poll asked: What are you willing to do to magically be at your ideal weight? You might be surprised at some of the answers, but I certainly wasn't.

Nearly 21 percent of women surveyed would trade 10 years of their life (one male viewer emailed in that he'd be willing to give up 20!). Nearly 23 percent said they would spend a week in jail. Most (85 percent) would rather have an extra toe than have 50 extra pounds!

It sounds like madness but for those of us who would love to hop off the merry-go-round or stop the hellish dieting yo-yo, it sounds almost reasonable... a tempting exchange for our soul.

Why is it so tempting? One reason is that it's long term. Most of us who have tried any of the myriad of diets out there, know they can work. For awhile. As soon as we go back to "normal" living, the weight shoots up again and we have to start all over again. That's where dieting deja vu comes into play. Haven't I lost these same 10 pounds before?!

The second reason it is such an attractive "deal" is that it is easy. Do you know how hard it is to exercise and eat right? Every day? We'd love to have an easier, softer way, but it is not meant to be. Like everything else in life, success is the result of hard work (and on rare occasions, luck). Since I am not lucky enough to have a speedy metabolism or stand 4 inches taller (at my same weight), then I only have one option left -- and it certainly isn't a magical deal with the diet devil.

What am I willing to do to get to my ideal weight? Whatever I have to. Work. Work out. Drink water. Walk. Lift weights. Just be willing. How about you?

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