Thursday, January 10, 2008

A touch of Grey

Thanks to the ongoing Hollywood writers' strike, Grey's Anatomy fans have been in withdrawal, waiting for a new episode since Thanksgiving.

Finally tonight we got one. Those of us at work who live for these McMoments were pretty jazzed all week. Last fall, when the producers realized they had only one pre-strike episode left, they reworked this one so it would seem like a season finale, complete with cliffhangers and all that. So we knew it was going to be good.

I made sure the dishes were put away, the laundry was going and Carter's homework was done so I'd be totally free at 8 o'clock. I even told Carter, "No interruptions -- this is my hour for the month!" I was all set with my small stack of tissues handy, when the doorbell rings right at 8! What now? Who would dare interrupt Grey's?

Darn Schwan's man was at the door. I didn't really need anything but I quickly bought a few items so we could skip the sales pitch and get him the heck out of my house. When I finally reclaimed my spot on the couch, I had thankfully only missed a few minutes. It was good to be back in Grey's land again.

This episode had its emotional and intense moments, but in the end I was kind of ticked about the direction some of the story lines are going. Why can't they just let Meredyth and McDreamy be together?!

I'm really hoping we don't have to wait until next fall to see a new episode. I may be upset about it, but certainly not enough to give up on it. What kind of fan would I would be? I have to have some priorities!

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