Monday, January 21, 2008

Blue Monday (as in Giants blue?)

I'm pretty sure the Austin clan is in the minority today. After last night's Packer loss in overtime, we're likely among the few going to work and school today with smiles on our faces.

We're not gloating, just happy we don't have to move. After a week full of nauseating arrogance, Jim said, "You know, if the Packers win the Superbowl, we're gonna have to move." As in out of the state. As in it would be unbearable to put up with.

It's not that we dislike all Packers fans. Half of my family belongs to that group. By default, living in central Wisconsin, most of our friends are, too. In many cases, we seem to be a bit more accepting of their character defect than they are of ours (our unwavering Purple Pride). But we don't hold it against them.

I thanked my pastors yesterday for not wearing green and gold stoles. That would have been too much. I also pointed out that I performed quite the act of Christianity while in Green Bay on Saturday. "I was stopped at the light in front of Lambeau Field and I called my sister who is a big Packer fan. I rolled down the window and, on her behalf, yelled Go Pack Go from Renell!" I pointed out I didn't even think about putting a jinx or curse on the town until I was miles and miles away and it was too late.

In the end, I guess it didn't matter. It's not good to waste curses or even prayers, for that matter, on something as trivial as football anyway. As Carter occasionally has to point out to an overwrought Mommy and Daddy: It's just a game.

Yes, just a game. But I'm betting a few of us have a little bit of blue on today. What? It's a nice color ...

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