Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This is my year

Despite the fact we were only two minutes into the new year when my hubby proclaims, "Carter, this is the year Momma turns 40," I feel good about it. Before we went to sleep last night/this morning, Jim did ask if I had any resolutions. Not yet. There is so much to do, I wasn't sure where to start!

It seems each January 1st we use the new year as an opportunity to examine our lives and determine what steps we should take to make them better. This turns into a list, often a lengthy, overzealous one, called resolutions. I wholeheartedly support the notion, but know the reality for many of us is a lack of follow-through and lasting commitment beyond 30, 60 or 90 days.

Maybe the easy route for me this year is to lower my expectations -- not resolve to change anything. Trust me, that is a very appealing option. I think what scares me is the word "change." I deal with so much change the way it is, personally and professionally, do I want to facilitate even more? Instead I think I'll stick with the word "improve" ... as in make a better effort to accomplish.

While paging through my Women's Health magazine today, the bold headline stated, "2008: This is YOUR year!" Of course, it was referring to better health ... as in this is the year I finally quit blogging about getting in shape and actually get off my butt and do it.

Could I do that? I have to believe I have the power to do that. This is how I will get my POWER in 2008:

P is for Purge. I need to purge the clutter. In my house and at my desk: What can I throw away? What can I give away? If I'm keeping it, then let's get it organized. On my calendar: Why do I feel overbooked some days? Must I always volunteer because no one else will? I need to learn to say "no" sometimes. In my soul: What am I hanging onto that I should let go? Do I hold resentments? Why do I still cut myself down and beat myself up when I know I am a good person?

O is for Observe. I do need to observe more time for myself and my family. It's been great during break to have quality time with the guys -- whether that's been in the form of a meal together or playing a game. It shouldn't be so hard to make time for this. As for myself, I enjoy getting a little time to read at night before bed, but realize beyond that, I haven't scrapbooked a page for 3 months. That almost qualifies as an emergency!

W is for Water. I must drink more water. They suggest a minimum of 8 glasses a day. That should honestly be so easy to do when I am sitting at a desk most of the time. They (as in those healthy types) also suggesting cutting out soda altogether and just drinking water. This is what I mean by making drastic New Year's resolutions. There's no way I am going to quit Diet Coke cold turkey, but I certainly can start slugging more H2O. Plus the extra trips to the bathroom will count as exercise ... which brings us to ...

E is for Exercise. Across the country, gyms and fitness centers will be jam-packed for the next month while people act on their resolution to exercise and lose weight! Much of that has to do with the post-holiday guilt, which I am suffering from just like everyone else. The reality is that I am not going to be able to "work out" every day. I already know this. If I resolved to do that and wasn't able to, my history is that I would give up and quit altogether. I need to take baby steps and be content with losing a little weight at a time. Therefore, I am merely resolving to exercise ... doing what I can, when I can. Some is better than none.

R is for Recover. The dictionary says to recover is "to regain a normal or usual condition, as in health." Admittedly, I probably wouldn't know normal if it hit me in the face. I do know, though, that I would like to recover some of the stress-free serenity of days gone by. How will I do that? Giving. Sharing my experience, strength and hope to help others. Sometimes you can't gain anything until you give something away.

If this is going to be my year. It really can't be just about me. I'm just looking for the POWER to make me a better person for those who love me and those who need me (and may not even know it). Let's make 2008 your year, too!

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