Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here's a Story...

For some reason, while flipping through channels, we stopped on the Brady Bunch the other day. Carter had never seen it and, naturally, since it was so hokey, he assumed it was from the '80s. (That's his dad's influence, not mine!)

I had to laugh -- and sort of groan -- at how they portrayed the women and their roles in the household. Here's a conversation that wouldn't fly in this house...

Mike (leaving with golf clubs in hand): Honey, have fun around the house today!
Carol (all smiles): I will! (Not sarcastically.) I'm going to start by cleaning the girls' room! (Still smiling.)

Yeah right. Not happening here.

I do like how Mr. Brady always had to teach a lesson. At least he took time to be a positive influence on their kids. Not all dads are like that.

I feel fortunate that Jim is a modern-day Mike Brady. Well, yes, he likes to golf. That's true. But he also takes time to help Carter with everything from baseball skills to homework and, in between, teaches the value of humor and charm. I think he's got that down!

I, on the other hand, am nothing like Carol or even Alice. I am an undomestic goddess to the core and some days am lucky to have patience and understanding for one child, let alone 6. But I guess I am a typical female in that a simple trip to the beauty parlor (when did that nomenclature die?) can make my day. I bonded with my "hair artist" first thing this morning and it put me in a good mood all day.

Well, not good enough to sing and make supper for the guys or anything silly like that.

That's not how the Austin Bunch rolls.

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