Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May-Day! May-Day!

Hard to believe our little slugger is now 14 years old! I showed him this T-ball picture from when he was 3 and he said, "Mom, why did you post a picture that's gonna make you cry?"

Why indeed? I always wonder where the time went. And am relieved to know we've spent a good deal of it making great memories!

Today might not be one of them, though.

I did not get up early and make Carter a special breakfast. Nor did we have a special gift -- or any gift -- awaiting him. We had said he should wait until Saturday when we do some cake and ice cream with family. But that's not really fair, is it?

So on our way home from work we picked up a new dresser for him. It's not as bad as it sounds -- like giving a woman an appliance for Mother's Day -- he has needed one for way too long and was actually happy to get it. He will have to wait for a few days for the rest of his gift.

In the meantime, I said I'd take him out to eat wherever he wanted -- crossing my fingers he would not choose McDonald's and secretly thrilled when he chose Applebee's. I knew they did a birthday song and sundae.

So after our meal, the team comes out and announces, "Attention everyone. Help us sing to Carter. It's his 18th birthday!" We both look at each other and say, "18?!?" Whatever.

I think he was less embarrassed and more impressed they thought he was 18.

He looks OK with the attention, doesn't he?

And, of course, the sundae was free so he did actually get a gift today to enjoy immediately! While he was eating it (he did not offer to share at all!), he says, "I can't believe they thought I was 18! Don't worry, Mom, I'm not moving out yet."

Well thank the Lord for small favors!

That also might mean he'll forgive me for setting him up. Eventually. Don't doubt for minute it wasn't worth it...

4-drawer oak dresser: $99.99
Hickory Bacon Cheeseburger: $8.99
Embarrassing your teen on his birthday: Priceless.

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