Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Walk Tall

"Don't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes."

Sometimes it's far too easy to judge another person -- whether it be their looks, their behavior, their decisions, their financial status. We can put ourselves on a pedestal above them in no time.

Buy it's not always negative thoughts. Sometimes we actually envy the person. We want what they have -- their money, their family, their talents, maybe even their health. We see only the good things and sometimes assume they've got it so good. Life on Easy Street. No worries.

We really don't know anything, though. Nothing. Zero. Zippo. We really only know what they want us to know.

It's like that old saying that everyone appears "normal"... until you get to know them. Everyone has their issues. Sometimes they are just good at hiding them. Other times, we just don't understand. Believe me. I wouldn't have had a clue about the extreme challenges of anxiety if I hadn't experienced it firsthand.

Everyone has their crosses to bear, so to speak. If we all laid our "crosses" in a pile and could pick up anyone else's, whose do you think you'd pick? Chances are, after looking closely at the challenges each person is facing, you'd take back your own. Because you know that even in tough times, you have the strength to handle your "cross." But would you have the strength to handle theirs?

I know I wouldn't.

I found out today a loved one is going through some really stressful times with a teenager. I wouldn't want to be her. I don't think I could handle it! All I can do is pray for her and her family and, without hesitation, thank God that I am not carrying that particular cross right now. It doesn't mean I won't down the road. But I can't worry about that now. The immediate action is supporting them and showing gratitude to God for sparing me.

This time.

I like the quote about not judging someone until you've walked in their shoes. (Or maybe even ran in them.)

Those who really know me know something of the triumphs and tribulations I've experienced on my journey to get where I am today. Some of the things I've survived... well, it would make you wonder how I could be "normal." And of course, I use that term loosely. Finally, though, I am in a good place. A great place. I know I am not perfect, but I also know I don't have to be.

Sure, people might judge me -- on so many levels. But I remain proud of who I am. Who I've become. I'm a fighter. I'm a survivor. And on days when I can't walk in these beat-up, old shoes of mine, God gives me a new pair. Or sends someone to walk along with me.

I hope I can return the favor for those who have longer walks, on rougher terrain. I'll bring my shoes to walk, my hands to pray, my arms to support... and my pedometer to keep us motivated to move forward!

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