Monday, May 14, 2012

Momma Mia!

It was so nice to have a day off from blogging yesterday, but on Mother's Day I don't need a free pass since I always have something to write about! Still, Carter was quite proud of his photos and he is still on a quest to out-nature me and my nature photos. Ha.

Yesterday was a great Mother's Day. And when isn't it? Hubby kept up his yearly tradition of making me Eggs Benedict for breakfast. Yum! Then we hit the road around noon to go to Iola. Just like a normal work day except this time it was straight to Glacier Wood Golf Course.

We met our friends Scott and Sandy there and golfed 18 holes on a beautiful summer-like afternoon! Could not have been more perfect!

Oh, except my score of course.

Jim said he hoped I would get a hole in one for Mother's Day. I said I'd be happy with a par, maybe one per 9 holes. Though I did allow myself free Mother Mulligans! I only used one per 9 holes though. Honest.

It was not until the 15th hole that I got a par. There was much rejoicing. Then Jim says, "You're supposed to get 2 today." So wouldn't you know it, I parred the next hole! Seriously. I don't joke about that. So that was the end of that. My score was outrageously large, but I didn't care. I was not working. I was not cleaning. I was doing what I liked. It was my day.

Of course you know what's coming next. Yes, we did stop at King Cone on the way home. And yes, they had my Blueberry Waffle Cone flavor.

Happy Mother's Day to me!

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