Saturday, October 17, 2015

Beverages and Beyond

One of the nice perks of holding our Book Club meeting at The Higher Grounds Cafe is the piping hot beverages bursting with flavor. My choice today: their yummy pumpkin latte (naturally).

The other bigger perk, of course, is quality girl time talking about a good book... and anything on our minds. Just combine coffee and friendship and you've got yourself some major warmth to get you through the day.

Since Jim had errands in Marshfield and Carter had cross country practice, I was free to go beyond the beverages to enjoy my day. Stopped in at Rubi Reds to stock up on cranberries for the off season. I freeze them in 2-cup bags so I can just grab a bag any time I want to make my World's Greatest Cranberry Bars!

While there, the store owner (who I know), mentioned a new clothing boutique in town called Sweet Tea Clothing Co. (just off 8th and Pepper). Her daughter works there and the store has only been open two weeks so she urged me to check it out. As she said, "These aren't clothes you'd normally find in Wisconsin Rapids." She was right. Lots of unique items from scarves to leggings and many different shirt and sweater combos in between. Mostly reasonably priced. Loved a lot of it, but restrained myself and only bought one thing.

Came home and did some work, then found myself lying on the couch taking a nap. I would have to call it a power nap since I slept hard for less than an hour and was jolted awake by Carter, who didn't realize I was actually sleeping. That's OK. Any longer and I really would have been groggy for my date night.

Jim and I went to a 50th wedding anniversary party for our friends "Kraut" and Karen. Their family is our "racing" family and Jim's "bowling brotherhood."

Had a very nice time visiting and enjoying cold beverages this time. Carter even stopped in for a few minutes and said hello to the gang. And ate some food. Even though I had a thin slice of carrot cake earlier, I felt compelled to have another one. Wouldn't want Carter sitting there eating alone.

We're all about love and friendship today. That would be just plain rude to abandon him, right?

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