Friday, October 30, 2015

It's A Good Day...

The early bird gets a special college visit. At least the early birds in our house.

There was no school today so the timing of the event for "already admitted" members freshman class of 2016 was perfect. Other than getting on the road at 5:45 a.m., that is. Now we know it does take 2 hours and 45 minutes to get to UW-Platteville, pretty much no matter which way you go. So glad hubby drove. I wanted to sleep but was the nag-agator so stayed alert to the best of my ability!

Got there a little after 8:30 a.m. Today was set aside for extended info (housing, financial aid, etc) for the almost new students. Like a pre-orientation almost. Got to hear presentations (including from the chancellor), take a campus and residence hall tour, and eat lunch at the all-you-can-eat buffet in the student union. And Carter now understands the Freshman 15 concept!

He also got to meet Pioneer Pete, their mascot. It's tough to force a non-morning person to pose for a picture. Thankfully another Assumption student was there today and she nudged him into doing it. His orange cross country sweatshirt fit right in.

Still, we had to make a stop in the bookstore in case anything caught Carter's eye. He managed to find a sweatshirt and t-shirt he liked. Since I love the color orange, I saw all kinds of things I liked. I settled for an orange UW-Platteville shirt, bypassing the UW-Platteville Mom shirt after seeing eyes roll. I'll just wait on that one in case he gets a better offer.

Frankly, right now, we are all excited with the UW-P option and what it can do for Carter. If either of the other two schools outstanding accept his application, we'll talk it out. Otherwise, I am fine with a splash of orange here and there.

As they said several times today, "It's a great day to be a Pioneer!"

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