Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

Once you cross over to the Pumpkin Side, you can't go back. At least until Eggnog Season starts – and then sometimes you can combine them. Yum.

Here are signs you may be a Pumpkin Freak...

You consider buying Pumpkin Spice protein shake powder. A BIG canister of it! You are sad they are sold out but relieved to know you don't have exclusive ownership rights to Pumpkin Freakdom.

You use all your willpower to refrain from spanking a 17-year-old when he arrives home with an empty DQ cup and dramatically shares the delicious details of the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard. (What a stinker!)

You almost take two lunch breaks when you learn that Arby's has a Pumpkin Cheesecake Shake! Based on their masterful mint shake (I'll never have a Shamrock Shake again), this can only be AWESOME. Tomorrow, there is going to be a seriously caloric lunch break or perhaps an early "happy hour." Believe me, that will make me happy!

You cannot comprehend how someone could NOT like Pumpkin Everything, yet you are glad because it leaves more for you.

Still you welcome new members of the Pumpkin Spice Sisterhood...

Sylvester likes her Pumpkin Spice coffee! Welcome aboard, Spice Girl!

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