Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Oh, Deer

"Oh, deer!" I noticed some lunchtime visitors at work today. I was impressed that they let me get so close to them before they bolted into the woods. I was even more impressed they stayed in the posted "visitor" area.

Hope they survive the fall and winter. (Sorry, hunters!)

I decided I needed to start the blog with that Bambi-esque image before showing you the real reason for saying "Oh, dear!" today...

Never fails that hubby is on a work trip to somewhere warm – should be landing in Tampa shortly – and the weather turns wintry. I am not concerned about me and my lack of someone to snuggle with. I have my electric mattress pad and lonely kitty. But I feel badly for our cross country runners who will have to layer up a bit for their Conference meet on Thursday. Uff da. At least running will warm THEM up.

The other reason for saying, "Oh, dear!" is this evening's committee meeting at church. Since the terms of the both the chairman and treasurer of my committee have expired, as the secretary I was merely ACTING as chair just to have a meeting and keep things going. Only one new person showed up and the two active members did not. I was not a happy camper. I literally sat on my hands so I would not volunteer to be chairperson or treasurer or both... along with secretary. Not gonna happen, no matter how long I have to sit on my hands.

By the way... that does keep them warm! "Oh, dear, that feels nice!"

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