Thursday, October 29, 2015

Spread Blame, Not Germs

I'm still not sure who to blame.... the Amish, my sisters, a redneck or Fonzie for standing me up in the cold wind at Inspiration Point. Regardless, someone out there gave me a gift to last all week.


By intermission of the Willie and Merle concert, I needed to get a bottle of water because my throat was scratchy. By noon Monday, I felt like I'd been hit by a bus, or perhaps an Amish buggy. Went home and was in bed shortly after 8 p.m.

After of fun night of sleeping with tissues stuffed up my nose, I took some meds for cold and for allergies. The problem is that you take these "only 1 dose per 24 hours" things and then you are helpless the rest of the day!

Gotten a little better each day but am not totally in the clear. Have not heard word one from any sister claiming to be sick this week. Either they don't want to take the blame or I am just lucky.

So I am pampering myself with yummy shots of Emergen-C, cherry Sucrets, hot tea and, well Pumpkin Spice Eggnog. Hey, I saw it by the milk and just HAD to try it. If I feel better tomorrow, we'll know I'm onto something deliciously magical.

If not, I'll continue to be good about covering my coughs, washing my hands often and not kissing any guys in black leather jackets.

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