Monday, February 20, 2017

Monday Mist

Typically we're in a fog the way it is on Mondays. But today, as the temperatures returned to their now-typical mild state, the rain came and brought the misty fog with it.

It was a strange drive home from work as I noticed little patches of fog along the roads and in fields. It seemed everywhere the drizzling rain was hitting snow, the fog was growing. By the time I drove home from kickboxing later, it was floating across the road, making for some random blind spots. Uff da.

Wasn't going to head back into town for the boys basketball game after that fun drive, but I decided to put on my big girl pants – and my driving glasses – and gave it go.

Not saying our boys were playing in a fog, but they just couldn't match Stratford's ability to score and rebound tonight. Darn. That was the last boys game I'll see until playoffs.

One would think with these warm temps and the ending of basketball soon that it would be time to hit the field for baseball. But no, it's only February. And yes, there is supposed to be some 6-11 inches of snow dumped on us, come Friday.

Apparently, my reality has been in a fog, too.

Be careful out there!

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