Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Warning: Flake News

Remember when we were whining about our subzero temperatures a few weeks ago? Sorry about that, Siberia. (And the South.)

There were news reports that temperatures in parts of Siberia plunged to a "how do they breathe?" 88 degrees below zero yesterday, prompting even eyelashes to freeze. And probably any exposed body part!

I thought the picture was fake news, er flake news, but no, it's real. I would guess – like us Midwesterners – they are accustomed to record-cold weather now and then. But uff da! Or, as they say in Russia, ncNx!

I have some friends and family saying their equivalent of uff da this week, too!

My poor sister and brother-in-law opted to "winter" two months down in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Oh, they should never use "winter" as a verb! Today, as snow and ice blanketed the South, Rayna and Paul were basically locked out of their car. Iced out, to be more specific. Two snow brushes on hand couldn't chip through it enough to get in, see out of the windshield or go anywhere. At least for a good chunk of the day.

Uff da, right?

And our dear friends Mike and Christine were so looking forward to a week in Florida visiting her "wintering" parents. Well, it is sunny. But they have to bundle up to walk on the beach... in the 26-degree temperatures. At least it was nice enough one day to golf.

Hopefully the sun will actually bring warmth to both their beaches soon. Very soon.

I guess I'll have to refrain from bragging if the mercury reaches the projected 39 degrees here Friday. Mum's the word.

Or is it numb's the word?

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