Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Be My Guest

The fun thing about having college kids home for the summer is that you have someone to pick on again.

And someone to feed.

Well, that's fun if you go out to eat and someone else handles the cooking part!

I kidnapped Mr. C and took him out for dinner at Sportsmen's Pub and Grille down the road. He didn't fight me on that. Not at all.

It was nice to catch up (while Dad was home mowing the front mosquito haven). We also were pre-celebrating the almost summer job. Not confirmed yet but he's had two appointments there this week and is just awaiting that "official" call or email. Don't want to jinx it.

Frankly, it was just an excuse to spend time with him before our summers get busy.

We made sure we were home in time for the Celtics game. Two out of three residents here love the Celtics. I support them as well. But really don't follow NBA playoffs. Probably more than hockey. But no, not really, to either. If the guys are happy though, I'm happy.

Plus, I get a good rating on Yelp or TripAdvisor for our wonderful guest accommodations,  you know!

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