Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Half Full or ....

For some reason we see a glass half full or half empty, but we'd never think something like the moon is half empty – despite its craters and the fact it's made out of cheese. (That's what it looks like through my zoom lens, anyway.)

Many of us are just wired to go through life focusing on the empty.

Except when we remember no to.

My twin sister gave me one of those "power of positive thinking" CDs to listen to on my commute. I feel like I should really listen to it every day just to get it through my thick skull. I do try to practice an attitude of gratitude, but I get lax after awhile until I get a re-boot.

Sadly, my vision tends to get clearer as my prayer list grows. In the last week, two friends have become orphans – one expected, one not; two have parents in the hospital; one friend has breast cancer; several loved ones are fighting emotional and physical battles, too.

Here I sit whining that I had really hoped to lose that last 10 pounds before my big vacation. God should just slap me, shouldn't He?

So I am grateful that, for today, my glass is half full and my moon is shining brightly.

Thanks for the reminder, Lord.

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