Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Grass is Always Greener...

Raise your hand if you're loving the sight of green grass! It's true what they say: The grass is always greener... after a spring rain.

Or something like that.

When the weather was nice on Sunday, I donned my weekend warrior clothes and got to tackling some of the winter accumulation of leaves and crap in our center rock garden-ish area. You know me. Two black thumbs. Every possible landscape area is garden-ISH at best.

As a desk worker who only gets a sore neck and back from sitting too much, it was tough work. Holding and operating that leaf blower for a good hour to get all the dead leaves out – while keeping the white rocks in – was a challenge. And I've been feeling it all week!

For the record, I did clear it out in a similar fashion last fall so I don't know where these came from! But when all was said and done, I had 6 wheelbarrows full of leaves and dead branches and I think dead plants – or they're dead now anyway.

Unfortunately, that was just the start. We have a lot of work to do around the yard – including raking up a ton of weird leaves that look like dead banana peels and picking up dozens of small, medium, and large branches in the back yard. Make that WET banana peels and branches.

It's been raining all day and will continue on and off for several days while the temperatures drop. Probably good I didn't plant anything because it would freeze before it had a chance to die naturally at my hands.

I figure we'll get to those other projects and cleanup duties eventually. For now, we'll enjoy the very green grass and rain-washed white rocks.

The beautiful contrast should be just enough to distract people from the jungle around the corner.

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