Friday, May 4, 2018

Run, Walk, Move... for a Good Cause

I know you're here looking for photos of today's highlights at the ballpark. But, first, it's my duty to urge you to support an important cause.

This week is the deadline to sign up for the annual Tracks for Tina 5K held in conjunction with Assumption's Royal Event. This year the event is May 18-20 and the fun run/walk falls on Saturday, May 19.

The event is near and dear to me because it is a fundraiser for the Tina Livernash Memorial Scholarship, which was started by my BFF and her family. Tina – who is Christine's cousin – was an Assumption grad who was brutally murdered on April 17, 1994.  The crime remains unsolved.  Her memory lives on in the scholarship as it helps young students realize their dreams of a solid education.

In addition to the 5K registration, you can just donate to the scholarship fund. But wouldn't a pleasant walk with friends and family be more enjoyable? Plus, if you get your registration to the school by this Monday, you can get a lovely t-shirt like the one above... designed by yours truly. Otherwise, you still register even on the day of the event, but wouldn't you like a nice shirt?

To download an application and get the other details, visit:

Thanks in advance for your support. We'll see you on race day!

By the way, both baseball and softball beat their opponents from Rib Lake. Haven't gone through photos. But maybe I'll have them at the Royal Event... I can be very persuasive, can't I?

Royal pride all around!

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