Friday, November 9, 2018

A Trifle Lucky

Oh, what a beautiful morning... said the woman who had the day off and didn't have to drive a half hour through the layer of snow and ice on the roads. Yes, that's me!

Grateful I had a day off and that Mr. Deck Chair is not human or you know he'd be flipping me off right about now. Instead, he's brushed off and tucked away now. A little late. Whoops. I thought we going to get a dusting. Didn't think I'd have to shovel.

I probably didn't. It mostly melted off the driveway but I did the deck. And it has snowed twice since then anyway – once while I was getting my hour massage (yes!) and tonight after dinner. Too soon for this stuff. It's still football season!

For some teams anyway.

In honor of my father-in-law's 81st birthday today, I made a Chocolate Caramel Stratford Tigers Trifle. He went to Stratford and they played tonight – and won – and are heading to state football next week!

It really was a lucky trifle. Iola-Scandinavia also sports orange and black and they are going to state, too, after beating Grantsburg tonight. Small world. I was born in the Grantsburg hospital!

The trifle was also a good omen because it brought the family together. We were missing Casey and Carter tonight, but grandsons Clay and Colin represented. Also out for dinner were Jim's sister and her hubby, and Colin's wife Amy. So nine of enjoying a good meal at the Wildhorse Saloon and a tasty trifle dessert afterward.

In case you wanted some, the bowl is empty. I may have to make it again next week for state, though. Keep the good mojo going! Hopefully the snow will go back to where it came from by then, too.

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