Tuesday, November 13, 2018

If Everything Could Rebound

Yes, the Assumption Middle School basketball season has tipped off already. Got to shoot, er photograph, two games tonight since the 7th- and 8th-graders each have a team. The game above was part of an exciting 8th-grade win. Exciting for real. And it's a sign of good things to come for the high school team next year.

I didn't even get a chance to look through the hundreds of pictures I took because we were getting furniture moved out of the living room in advance of our carpet cleaner visit tomorrow. Plus I had to watch The Voice first. And I can't stay up late.

One more sleep until Tran-Siberian Orchestra concert! So excited!

Speaking of Siberia...

Our wake-up temps were flippin' freezing this morning! Almost single digits. Yikes. Don't need that quite yet.

If anything, Mother Nature could take a cue from our young hoopsters and rebound that temperature back up to above freezing anyway. Doesn't she realize I still haven't put my golf clubs away?

Maybe I'll do that after the Christmas concert because that just seems to be the order of things these days.

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