Thursday, November 22, 2018

Stuffed Like a Turkey

Not sure what's worse: the pile of dirty dishes or feeling more stuffed than a turkey on Thanksgiving.

At least the dishwasher can handle the pile. My body, though, has eased into a food coma since 5 p.m. Will try to type this without falling asleep.

Was a very nice Thanksgiving.

Took a good chunk of the morning to get our pre-Black Friday smart TV hooked up. Initial plans to mount the 65-incher on the wall didn't quite work despite the efforts of hubby and neighbor. So we cursed our way through at least getting it connected to our cable, etc. We both admit the smart TV is smarter than us. Thankfully, Mr. College helped with a few glitches later.

Had a nice dinner with Jim's folks, his sister Sherry and husband Baird, Clay and his girlfriend, and Carter. Just enough to require a "kids table." Had plenty to eat, but more importantly, some fun sitting around talking stupid and watching football we didn't care about. It was great to have a quorum!

Tonight I ran over to ShopKo for one Black Friday thing. Just one. Not bad crowds since their sales started this afternoon. That will be it, though, unless Carter wants to go somewhere tomorrow for some of his Christmas shopping.

I don't think I'll be moving very fast tomorrow. Might have to Google how long trytophan-induced comas last.

Hope you found plenty of people to be thankful for today!

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