Friday, November 16, 2018

I Don't Do Windows ... or Carpets

I wouldn't necessarily say I'd pay to get out of anything related to housework. But it's possible.

I just know that after slaving away to clean the living room carpet on my own last year as a surprise for hubby, it was a waste of blood, sweat, tears, and time. So when we say the carpet cleaner dude next door last weekend, hubby called and they got us in on Wednesday.

So we moved furniture out of the living room and hallway on Monday and Tuesday nights. And you now who freaked out, right?

Sylvester knew something was amiss. I kept showing her where we put her chair, but I don't think she was paying attention. As usual.

But when I was leaving for work Wednesday, I just had to take a picture of the funniest thing. Here's kitty laying in her "recliner" because that's her spot! Too cute.

She had to be locked in a room while the cleaners were at our house, but they were quick since it wasn't a ton of carpet. It was just enough stress on the fur ball, though. She puked on the "new" carpet before it was dry. Thanks, sweetheart.

Guess we know for sure we won't get new (for real) carpet while she's still around. Based on today's 14-year checkup, that should be for quite awhile yet!

Meanwhile at work, some other people were getting paid to do a fun job... washing windows. But not just any windows...

Yeah. You couldn't pay me to wash those windows. It's like a cross between rappelling, Mary Poppins, and Spider-Man. Yikes. Gotta admire their bravery, though.

There's something to be said for a desk job. A nice, warm, both feet on the floor, desk job.

Some things are just best left to the professionals.

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