Monday, March 4, 2019

Just Another Massage Monday

The equation definitely adds up... You've got an extended weekend of scrapbooking followed by a week of white-knuckle driving on icy roads... followed by a 5-mile run in the cold... and sprinkle in some Mother Nature stress... That equals a full-hour, full-body massage!

I love the new math!

I actually did call a week ago to get in – right after scrap camp – but my very talented therapist couldn't get me in until today at 5 p.m. Based on the formula above, that worked out for the best. Ohhhh, very much so.

Every time I get a massage, I always say, "I need to do this more often." But I never do. This time, though, I think she was just getting started. So many knots. So little time. I'm a piece of work. But you already know that! So I'm going to shoot to get back again this month. Maybe it will be a Monday thing.

How was YOUR Monday?

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