Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Golf United

We are approaching the conclusion of our two-week United Way campaign at work. Although it's pretty different this year since we're not AT work. All events are virtual, which means I'm missing out on daily bake sales and even non-fattening fun, too! 

Our company has stepped up its efforts knowing that no matter how different it is for us as employees, there are still people who need the services United Way provides. Every. Single. Day. So we have to remain diligent in our dedication to give – even virtually.

One of the virtual events was a golf scramble, where we can pair up with a co-worker and golf anywhere during these two weeks. Just pay/donate and submit your score card. My friend Tom and I who normally are golf partners for league, managed to get out tonight after work. Finally.

Yes, starting at 4 p.m., we were racing against time and the setting sun.

And yes, we walked 18 holes and sunk our last putt for par as the sun was about set! We did it! Just a little over 3 hours for 18 holes. That's not normal, folks. And it's not because we had all birdies or anything. Tri-City is just an easily walkable course.

We did have super weather on our side. And it was just plain nice to see a co-worker in person – all while supporting a great cause. 

I hope you have the opportunity at your work or in your community to give to the United Way. Despite everything going on in the world, it's pretty easy to do.



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