Wednesday, September 9, 2020

On the Low Side

Wow. For the second day in a row, we've set high temperature records in Wisconsin Rapids. High low temperatures, that is. Or, maybe, new record low maximum temperatures?

In other words, the highest temperature was still stinkin' cold. Especially for – checks calendar – summer!

So yup, 49 degrees. The heat is still on. And I've already fallen into a dreadfully lazy routine since this cold, rainy weather has been accompanied by the loss of sunlight. Needless to say, it's the time of year to sit in my recliner under a blanket and crochet while watching a Hallmark movie.

To my credit, please, these are not Christmas movies. (Yet.) Apparently during this pandemic, I've DVR'd more than a dozen Hallmark movies with the word "summer" or "love" or both in the title. Got three watched and erased this week, so I'm making progress. And on my hooking project, too!

Unfortunately, I am not getting close to 10,000 steps. And the ice cream's disappearing like our daylight hours. Mother Nature needs to swing the weather back to summertime temps so the Quarantine 15 doesn't come back. 

And so Mr. Deck Chair doesn't leave me. He's already giving me the stone cold (and wet) silent treatment. Can you blame him?

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