Monday, September 28, 2020

Well That Stinks

Why must we move from one pest to another in Wisconsin? Mosquitoes (and snakes) this summer. Now the stink bugs!

That stinks.

The good news, according to my entomologist friends, is that like squash bugs and boxelder bugs, they are not known to breed indoors, cause interior damage, or harm humans. But... even though the one above was crawling on the outside of the living room window, stink bugs can be a real nuisance and cause alarm when they appear inside the house on draperies, blinds, lights, or even buzzing around one's head.

Remember how I broke my toe with my "knee jerk" reaction to a surprise Princess pile? Well I am surprised I haven't broken a finger or wrist shaking off a stinkin' surprise visitor landing on my arm or buzzing by my head. 

I'm not smooth enough to handle some of these seasonal guests!

But I guess I already survived murder hornets and locust plagues in 2020, I guess I can survive a few stink bugs stinkin' up the house. That's what all those pumpkin spike-scented candles are for, right? I know they drive hubbies away at times. Not that they're classified as pests.

Yet. We still have 3 more months to survive.

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