Sunday, September 20, 2020

Smokey Sunset

Everybody's been talking about these beautiful sunrises and sunsets lately due to teh wildfires in California and Oregon. I haven't been up early enough to catch the sunrise and have been indoors for the sunsets. Until tonight.

After two full days of running around like a shutter bug, I glanced west at the right time I pulled over and managed to take a picture of the red sun and passing cloud on its lower section. So beautiful and so unfortunate it's occurring because of tragic situations.

The skies have been clear, otherwise. And it was perfectly sunny and mild for the wedding I shot yesterday and for softball and senior photos today. 

Of course, I'm a bit wiped out, but mostly pleased with how everything went. Would love to give my eyes and body a rest a bit, but that darn Monday is rolling around again. Thankfully, a pretty quiet week. Well, compared to last week. 

In other words, doing what the pandemic allows. Like taking pictures on the side of the road of a pretty sunset. 

Enjoying freedom in moderation.

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