Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Heat is On

Our night of "good sleeping weather" turned into a morning endurance competition of "how long can we hold out before turning on the heat?" We lasted until just shy of noon.

The temps seriously plunged everywhere. At least we didn't have snow accompanying our drop. Just your usual back-to-school, day after Labor Day reminder from Mother Nature: "When I say Labor Day is the end of summer, I mean it!"

So the house is a warm 69 degrees and it's time for homework.

Nope, not going back to school. Just realized that if our fantasy football draft is in an hour, I should probably do a little homework. Thank you, Internet. I obviously am not that concerned since 10 minutes ago, hubby says, "You have a draft tonight and you're sitting here knitting?!"

OK, one, it's crocheting, not knitting. And two, yup, I have a draft at 8 p.m. and I'm not prepared. For the record, it's the work "fun league" so I'm not going to be out any money if I do poorly. And I'm not going to have a windfall if my team does great. Still, I guess I have a little time to Google up something special so the Swedish Chef Mafia can win a game or two this year!

Vare der ferk do I start? Vish me luck!

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