Monday, September 7, 2020

The Lovely Long Weekend

Took advantage of the "extra day" between the weekend and the work week and went Up North Sunday to see my mom. And as a bonus, 4 sisters and a niece, too!

Got up to Grantsburg at noon and went out to lunch at T-Dawg's bar and grill. Met up with some other members of the Masked R Gang...

RoAnn and Romey...

Mona Lisa (aka Renell) and Raylene (and her daughter Ashley was there, too).

It was a nice visit. Hadn't seen Ro since last Christmas and the others –including Mom – I've only seen once since then. Even masked hugs feel so good!

After the crowd dispersed, Mom taught me a new-to-me card game called Hand and Foot. I guess it's sort of like Canasta or something, but I've never played that either. Thankfully my sister Nell stayed to play, too. She helped explain the rules since my mother is so competitive (that's where I get it) that I wasn't sure if she was making them up as we went along!

It honestly took all game for me to figure out what was going on. But I was having beginner's luck and leading somehow.

Until the last hand. When my sneaky mom came from behind to win! That's the story of our lives. And seriously – I told this to Mom, too – I was so impressed that an 88-year-old can have such a sharp mind that she can grasp all these rules and adding points, etc. We are so lucky to have her!

Since the game wrapped up around 8 p.m., I decided not to drive the 4-hour trek back to Rapids. Instead, I crashed at my sister Romey's house and came back today.

I got back too late to go see my nephew Colin race this afternoon. But, as it turned out, the races got rain delayed, then postponed to Sept. 18. So a Hallmark movie on the recliner for me, it is! 

I love those extra long weekends, don't you?

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