Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Sounds Like Spring

During my walk last evening, I saw weird clouds like little marshmallows or cotton balls. I knew we were supposed to get rain, but I wondered what this type would bring.

Turns out, they bring thunder and lots of lightning! In the middle of the night, of course. One of my sisters in Minnesota snapped this picture earlier in the night, so I knew it was coming. We always get their weather eventually.

Since it's been in the high 70s/low 80s this week, we've slept with the windows open. That's how I heard the big boomers loud and clear. But today, dry again and sunny. I did hear thunder in mid-afternoon. Strange. It was sunny and thundery out.

Rain is supposed to be coming. We need it. We're in high weather danger here and pretty much all of Wisconsin. Probably Minnesota, too. 

Be smart out there. Hold off on burning that weekend warrior pile of branches and grass. Hold off on that socially distanced campfire a little longer, too. It's the little things that we never think are going to start something big. Think it through.

In the meantime, put out your rain gauge. That's our version of a rain dance around here. Well, the only one you'd want to see anyway! 


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