Saturday, June 19, 2021

Alaska Day 4 :: The High One

First thing we did this morning--after showering and breakfasting--was head down to the river to be sure our mountain was still there. 

And she was,  well HE was. I'll explain in a minute. 

We sat down to enjoy morning coffee and watch Denali (which means "the high one" for Athabascan Indians north of the range).

While we were exploring Talkeetna later we learned the original people considered Denali on the right male, Mount Foraker on the left female, and Mount Hunter in the middle their child.

Glad now I did get all three in one photo. And glad we could be in that small percentage of people who have see him more than one day! Feel blessed.

Had a fun time exploring Talkeetna...

Every time a pizza oven timer dings,  an angel gets her wings!

If you can't see it, today's t-shirt says "Wild Woman Sisterhood" and shows some ice cream sharing!

Fun hippy little town. After that we drove south and over to Palmer to visit a musk oxen farm.

We didn't stay there long but got a few fantastic views!

From there we headed down past Anchorage to find a spot to sleep from the night. A few shots from along the way by the Turnagain Arm...

Active tern birds.

Tide's out so that leaves a muddy, quicksand-like mess.  We'll stay away. Continued on to Girdwood,  where this is our camping park spot for the night. 

Ed doesn't mind the view, and neither do we -- especially since that's the mountain we're scaling tomorrow. Via tram, not climbing gear!

Cross your fingers for another day of glorious weather and amazing adventures!

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