Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Hot Streak

I love the sun. I love summer. I love heat. Usually. When it's a hot streak outside AND inside your house, though, it changes things. 

Of course, since I don't mind the heat usually, I didn't notice right away that the air-conditioner quit working – or was struggling – late last week. You know, about the time the record-setting temperatures started. On Saturday, we mutually agreed our faithful cooling machine was taking the summer off. Not good.

Naturally, everybody and their mother or brother were cranking the A/C over the weekend. So we had to wait until today for a service call.

Which meant we had to get through yesterday's "high low" records and try to sleep again. I'll tell you another hot (or non-hot) streak going on. This is the longest streak I haven't turned on my heated mattress pad. Seriously! Now you know it's warm.

So our hero comes today at noon and says the unit needs a new motor. But that he'd have to find one. FINE one. Like a lot of things during COVID, A/C units and parts are in short supply. Ugh.

I sweated through the afternoon in my office and was just going to head to Wal-Mart to walk the cool aisles and buy ice cream for supper when Jim called. Our guy called him and said he found a motor! And he was on his way.

Since Jim was gone to baseball practice, there was really nothing to stop me from hugging the guy after he fixed it. Except propriety, which occasionally comes to the surface with me. I did tell him that he was my favorite person on the planet – and to not tell my husband I said that – and happily wrote out a check. OK, content might be a better word than happy.

At this time he finished, this was the current temperature, though. Love that "feels like" 97. Uff da. So yeah, I was actually happy. And only down to 77 by 9 p.m.? That does not look like good sleeping weather to me. And trust me when I say, I will not be turning on the mattress pad.

For tonight, anyway.

Stay cool and hydrated, my friends.

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