Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Whoa, Halftime Already

Don't look now, but the first half of 2021 – the GOOD year compared to last year – is already done! I realize I was gone half of the month, but June flew by!

I must remind myself that even though June is done and the July 4th holiday is a few days away, summer is not half over. I always have that mindset, which is dumb. Our birthday-anniversary palooza week is always a wake-up to the start enjoying summer. And possibly start those projects we "meant" to do.

So far, I haven't gone kayaking at all (gasp!) or golfed nearly enough (especially compared to hubby). Nor have I returned to the backyard to play Terminator on the vines. Eeek. They're ALIVE and reaching for me. I did get to the backyard today when Carter got it in his mind to powerwash the back patio coming out of the basement.

Well, like the Peanuts cartoon shows, it can be a wet and messy job. And it was long, long, long overdue. I had to remove grass and weeds to find the edge of it. Then I discovered some railroad ties that were underground and must have served as a border for a long-ago sandbox. Well, I started digging around to expose all four sides. Got three done and my back was killing me. 

Yup. Feeling all my 50+ feels this week!

Helped the boy man the sprayer a bit, too, but that was also too much work. Did I mention it was 80-some degrees, sunny and humid? I'll blame that.

Anyway, we didn't finish because Carter was going to go visit some friends. So he will tomorrow. Thank god I have to work at my desk job all day. I was not made for that manual labor.

At any age. In any month. Goodbye, June!

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