Friday, June 4, 2021

Unplanned Reunion

Now that the world is opening up a bit, it's great to see people again, especially those you haven't seen since pre-pandemic and then some. 

Unfortunately it stinks when the reunion is for a sad reason. Today I took the afternoon off and traveled up north to Grantsburg for a funeral visitation for my cousin Kim.

Kim was less than 18 months older than me so this was a tough one to take. She unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer last summer, had a lung removed and was doing well. Then cancer came back less than two months ago, this time as a tumor in her spine. She had surgery again and was just finishing radiation. She seemed to be doing well and then one recent day had trouble breathing and her heart gave out in the ambulance. 

So it ended up being a complete shock to her husband, children, and her brothers and parents. They are simply devastated.

Thank God we could share hugs today. And we think all but 4 first cousins were there today at the funeral home and dinner at the American Legion. That's a lot of cousins since Dad came from a family of 9 kids.

Now there are only three remaining. My Aunt Gwen, Uncle Charlie (who drove up from St Louis) and Uncle Hartley,  the grieving father.

Like I said, on the one hand it was amazing to see so much family. But always we were thinking of the reason why. 

It reminded us to never take for granted we'll all see each other again. Make the time to visit when you can. And hug your loved ones.

Including your better half and...

Your shorter sisters. Hey who am I to question a camera angle that makes me look tall? 

All I know is that only with family can you start the day in tears and end in laughter. So blessed to have my family. All branches!

Thanks for showing your spirit and love among us, Kim.

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