Friday, September 17, 2021

Alaska-Sized Memories

We just got home after some post-football game socializing. So I won't be going through my hundreds of photos of the Assumption loss to Iola-Scandinavia tonight. But I will share the hundreds of photos of my Alaska trip to anyone who wants to page through the Alaska-sized scrapbook that came in the mail today!

Was pretty pumped that I got it in a week and didn't even have a RUSH on the order. I won't see my sister for 4 weeks so my traveling partner Renell will have to wait to get hers. I will keep hers shrink-wrapped, but will gladly show my brag book to anyone who asks.

And really, I'm not bragging about me or my photos. It's bragging about a part of our country that is so beautiful that 97 pages of pictures don't do it justice.

Sometime tomorrow, though, I'll also have some photos of the chilly night of football. (Not kidding.) 

But for now this "wild" book makes for a good bedtime read at the stroke of midnight. #sistersRgoingwild

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