Friday, October 22, 2021

Gods of Scrap

In case you were wondering what sort of higher power watches over scrapbookers, there are a few. 

We have the totem pole just outside the dining hall that guides our creative juices. Also helpful this year is the fact we can see some fall color and the water behind Mr. Totem (usually it's covered in snow and ice when we scrap in February).

And then there's Leo the Lion. Actually it's a different name like Jerome or something.  I just can't recall right now. Mr. Lion gives us courage (of course) to keep going when we're tired and want to go to bed. He's good at saying, "You'll hate yourself in the morning if you don't do another page."

Kind of a slave driver, actually. Don't tell him I sneaked away from camp for 2 hours this afternoon to shoot some Royals football. They were just 15 minutes away playing Pacelli in the playoffs. I left at half-time to get back for dinner at camp. They were down by 3 TDs then and ended up losing.

The other spiritual guides at camp are our scrap sisters. 

So glad my lifelong bestie Julie could come up from Madison to join me. We're having fun and getting some pages done.

We promise we'll do at least one more before bed, Mr. Lion!

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