Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Oh, 600!

Would you rather wake up at 0-600 hours every day or wake up and work at home for oh, 600 days? 

Uff da. You know which one I'm living! Yup, 600 days ago was my first in the home office.

600 days and I'm still using 4 empty Cricut cartridge boxes to prop up my laptop and just the right height. And thank goodness at least 575 of those days was in a new (back then) office chair and using a second monitor, full-size keyboard, and mouse. Made it so much easier to adjust and endure!

Oh, 600! On the plus side, that's about 1,000 cups of tasty flavored coffee. But 600 days also means I've been in about 1,000 virtual meetings from Zoom (back when this started) to Microsoft Teams. And my eyesight has gone to Hell in a handbasket. Along with my average of 10,000 steps a day. And my ability to wear pants.

Just kidding on that last one. Had to see if you were paying attention.

The current back-to-office plan might put me out these 4 walls by year-end. We'll see how the plethora of unknowns line up for my company. Well, and the world. 

A friend asked me today, "Will you have anything to wear?" Obviously my state of dress – hole-y jeans and a hoodie – didn't spark thoughts of a corporate marketer.

I said I'd pretty much have to wash everything in my closet since 98.3% of it has just been hanging or sitting there for about 86 weeks, gathering dust. 

So there's plenty to do before my return to the real world. Including getting a lot more steps if I want to fit into my dusty clothes! We've got this, my fellow WFHers.

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