Monday, October 4, 2021

Oh Deer

What do you do when two of the top social media platforms are out of commission for the day? You drive around see real-world stuff.

Seriously, it was kind of weird not having any Facebook or Instagram working today. But yet, I probably got a few more things done. Except when I needed to do some legit marketing research for work. Who knew how much we rely on these silly time-suckers!

So I did a spot check on some fall color. And, oh deer, got a few surprises.

There was not any traffic out in the town of Rudolph, so I could slam on my brakes and catch this trio. "You lookin' at me?"

"Run! It's the crazy camera lady!"

They all ran and THEN crossed the road behind me. They did not want to get hit and did not want me to get another picture of them. Maybe they're smarter than we give them credit for. 


A little further down the road I drove past this, braked and put my wheels in reverse for a quarter mile. Thank you again for not having traffic on the road.

Just seeing the windmill with fall color bursting behind it was so brake-worthy! 

Maybe experiencing real life isn't that bad. Of course, I do need some social media platforms to work – otherwise how could I share these pictures or my blog? Oh dear, indeed.

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