Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Weekend to Rave About

A few months ago, hubby was under the influence – of friends – and ordered tickets to a country music concert in Milwaukee. Disclaimer here: Jim is a big fan of classic country and I listened to some country in the '80s and '90s, but not since. When Jim told me about the concert, I asked, "Who the heck is Cody Johnson?" 

Well, now I know.

The influential friends are country (and every kind of) musicians he's come to know though the guitar choir he sings with at church. Turns out quite a few were going so we just sort of hopped along for the ride. All totaled, there was close to 25 of us hitting the big city yesterday afternoon. 

The concert was at The Rave (yes, a play on words in my title today) and that in itself is an experience. Carter's been to a few concerts there, but we hadn't. Pretty cool venue but not one I'd go to again if I wanted to really SEE a singer. 

It's mostly standing room only with some reserved seating on the balcony level – which we'd recommend. 

Here's the crowd last night and ...

And here's where we were! It didn't take long to see why the crowd was generally half our age. It's tough on the ol' knees and backs to stand on concrete for 4 hours!

Anyway, onto Cody Johnson. Very talented singer and he put on a good show. A good LOUD show. Again, we're 100% showing our age! We remembered our masks but not our ear plugs!

For the vertically challenged, it was tough to see him at all times and I could for enough of the time. Just really good music and a few songs I could sing along to, thanks to a crash course in Cody Johnson this week!

Here's a few photos from my view, which was just far enough for me to realize my smart phone camera sucks.

Anyway, I suggest you look him up. Google his song "Til you Can't" and watch/listen. Great message and one I belted out singing along to. And still had in my head when going to sleep after 1 a.m. Oh yes, this was a good time! 

Today, we're all tired, of course. Got back late afternoon. Did a few projects and now I'm ready for bed. Early. But I'm gonna have to catch up on some Olympics first. Apparently those kept right on going while the rest of us were tapping our toes.

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