Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Clean Slate

Don't let your eyes deceive you. For once this is the winter view out my windshield and that is NOT snow. After my dental checkup, I got in line at a car wash because... drum roll...

Yup. Spring has sprung in central Wisconsin! At least for a day.

So I came home from lunch hour with clean teeth and clean car. What more could one ask for? Not much in February in the Midwest. Especially knowing reality will put us at subzero again within 24 hours. That's the nature of the Mother Nature business.

To keep our spirits up, my friend Cindy and I had a movie night. I forced Jim to go golfing (indoor league) so she could use his recliner as we enjoyed popcorn and a new movie (to us) on Disney-Plus.

Encanto came out last year and we've heard such positive things, we thought, why not watch it even if we don't have little kids anymore? So we did. And it was really, really good! A story line that seemed maybe too deep for littles, but who knows? Kids are smart these days.

Just as long we don't talk about Bruno, right? (If you know, you know.)

So now I can't stop singing that and I might skip my way to bed tonight. Alone, I guess, since I never told hubby to come back home. Yet. 

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