Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Sticking to It

It was date night again with Mr. Zamboni. This time for a good cause. And well, I had to take a selfie with him because I got my hair de-tinseled on the way there and it's the only time it looks good!

Tonight was the Stick it to Cancer fundraiser for our friends' son Cale, who is an alum of the Assumption-Pacelli Co-op Hockey team (and Assumption) and currently victorious over Hodgkins Lymphoma. Good crowd and lots of people buying raffle tickets, baked goods, and rubber ducks (Yup, my first Chuck a Duck). I don't know the final total raised, but anything is good, right?

When I came home empty-handed except for a cupcake for each of us, hubby reminded me that's how it should be. You're supporting a cause, not worried about bringing home prizes. Still, had I known I actually had to chuck the rubber duck OVER the plexiglas wall, I would've warmed up my chucking shoulder. Not that I've chucked a softball or any ball in 25 years.

Back home, hubby was able to make it to the conference showdown between our Lady Royals and Auburndale. I believe it was for the expected conference title since their hoops records were tied at 11-2 going into what I thought was going to be a close one. But Jim said we won by 15 or so. And that brings our winning streak to 9! Love the that these girls are Sticking it to the Competition. (Another theme night!)

And now I gotta Stick a Fork into this Cupcake.

That's MY theme night. And one way to ensure SWEET dreams! 

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