Monday, April 11, 2022

Gotta Start Somewhere

The sun was out. The field was ready. The temp was close to 60 degrees. A perfect day to start the baseball season. 

Until it wasn't.

The Royals had their home opener today against the always powerful Stratford Tigers. (I have to say that since my father-in-law and his brothers played their years and years and years ago.) The scoreboard wasn't working at Witter Field so it was hard to keep track of how things were going – other than orange uniforms were crossing home plate and Royal blue ones were not.

In the end, we lost 12-0 in 5 innings. Lots of work to be done. But they hopefully shook off the cobwebs and will be ready to go go go! Because tomorrow they head back up to Stratford, then jump into a busy schedule after Easter.

Didn't get much for action shots, but I always love me some baseball pitchers!

And my favorite shot. We didn't get the guy out but junior Ryan Shaw hopped up to make the catch. Nice!

Let's have a good season, Royals!!

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